Everybody Is Discussing Cyber Security, But Few Are Mentioning Backups!
Two massive ransomware attacks – WannaCry and Petya – have caused in a month chaos and disruption worldwide, forcing multiple companies to shut down their operations.
Ransomware is here to stay and is only going to get more dangerous as cybercriminals move towards increasingly sophisticated forms of cryptographic malware. The more refined the viruses that hackers release, the harder it becomes for an antivirus to detect them in time. Sometimes, even the most powerful defensive measures will not be able to protect your business. But what will definitely do it is: Regular business cloud backup!
Why is business cloud backup so important?
The Internet is full of threats. Viruses and hacker attacks are not the only reasons why you should ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP. Sometimes you can update a setting incorrectly or delete files, in which case the soVision IT Support Team can resolve the issue by restoring the backup. Having your data constantly saved in a virtual environment to which you can have access at any time will give you peace of mind from not having to worry about the security of your business.