Overcoming These 5 Common Reasons for App Failure
From simple online catalogues to sophisticated membership platforms, there are plenty of reasons to create an app for your business. After all, around 90% of all adults own a smartphone, and an estimated 95% of those use them daily. However, the app market is fierce across all platforms, which makes it difficult to stand out – around 60% of Android apps suffer an 80% decline in users after the first week. If you want your app to make it, take note of the following common reasons for failure and learn how to overcome them with our reliable mobile app developers.
Technical Issues
Apps are a considerable investment for any company, so there’s heavy pressure for them to work properly from the beginning. However, most bug finds come from users, who blame the company for poor quality work. Before releasing your apps, you need to put them through rigorous testing and ensure that you have effective mobile app development software. A great way to gain feedback ahead of release is to select a beta test group, made of a diverse range of existing customers – their feedback is likely to be more authentic.
Missing Unique Selling Point (USP)
Your app needs a way of breaking through the competition, which means you need to find a USP. This means your app needs to solve a problem that isn’t widely covered on the market. Many users will try an app once and move on to the next, which is why you need to range of quality features to set you apart from the crowd.
Battery Drain
Smartphone users prize their battery lives, which is why high-draining apps get the boot. You need to find the right balance between adding essential features and slowing down a phone. For example, if you’ve created a communication app, does it need powerful video functionality? If there’s already an incredible app out there, the answer is probably no. For example, Zoom masters video conferencing well, so keep yours simple.
Poor Quality User Experience (UX)
From the moment a user downloads your app, they need to have a positive experience. This means your mobile app developers need to ensure that there is quick loading speeds, easy-to-use menus, a simple registration process, and minimal intrusive ads. Understanding the most common UX complaints will help you mitigate them before releasing your app, which should help with retention levels.
Security and Privacy Issues
Many apps ask for user permission before allowing them access, which can be off-putting. For example, if you’ve created an eCommerce app – do you really need to know the location? After all, they can tell you that at the checkout stage. The less personal information and access a user needs to give, the more likely they are to follow through with the download.
When creating an app, you need to consider the above pain points, which will help you attract more customers. Further, the cost of development needs to be weighed against the likelihood of breaking into the app market. If you’ve got a solid unique selling point, a team of capable developers, and enough revenue, there’s a high chance your app will survive.