Stop Throwing Money Down the Broadband Drain
Save up to £250/ month with a brand new or updated leased line:
By having a stronger internet connection on a new or updated leased line, you can not only save money but also avoid a great deal of downtime and improve communication with your clients and suppliers. And we all know that internet quality and speed is crucial, which is why effective Wireless Broadband Services should be a prioity.
It is crucial when you need:
- to access your files in the cloud
- attend online meetings with your clients, staff and partners
- communicate fast and easy through emails
- make calls over the Internet
- use your Microsoft 365 Office 365 tools.
Please do contact us if you have any questions or if you’d like us to review your options for a cheaper, yet better-leased line. We can help with both your office and home Wireless Broadband Services.
The benefit of using soVision IT:
The top benefit of using us is that you get direct access to our own IT Support team for help and guidance. No need to go to a third party or wait for hours on the phone to get through the customer service of a big broadband supplier.
Prices can start as low as £290 + VAT for a leased line and £29 + VAT for an FTTC connection.