The Day the Chickens Came Home to Roost: Cloud Hosting
Transformation can be scary can’t it? It also involves a lot of work and disruption, and that usually puts many people off making changes within their business.
Leaving things as they are is tempting and can often feel like the easy option. Disrupting the norm can unravel a whole host of other issues you were blissfully unaware of, so why fix what’s not broken?
Well, when it comes to software and computers ‘out of sight, out of mind’ just doesn’t cut it – neglecting your IT systems could just be the most dangerous thing you can do. This is why you need effective Hosting Services in place.
Don’t wait for things to fail
If IT operates at the heart of your business – and by IT we mean anything and everything from Office 365 emails to your phone system, computer servers, and MacOS – then you can’t afford to sit back and wait for those systems to fail.
There are countless numbers of reasons why system failure could occur in your business at any one time. It could be because of a hardware failure, a faulty processor or you could have a software issue that causes the system to freeze and stop functioning.
The trouble is, the moment that happens is NOT the time to start thinking about the changes you could have made to your IT infrastructure. It’s a bit like losing a document that you’ve been slaving away on for weeks, and wishing you had saved it before your computer went down.
Your IT systems need consistent and regular maintenance, updates, and checks if they are going to continue to function and do the job your business relies upon them doing, which means you need reliable Cloud Hosting Services.
What have you got to lose with Cloud Hosting?
While it’s easy to bury your head in the sand for a while, it really is worth taking a minute to consider what it is you could lose if your business IT systems were to fail at any point.
Recently an accountancy firm client of ours found themselves in a dire situation when thousands of files were lost from an old crashed server. We were called in to try and recover the files which was no easy feat considering the size and scale of the information that had been lost.
Luckily, with our Cloud Hosting Services, we were able to recover each one of the files for our client but not without a lot of anxiety, worry, time, and resources involved too. It was a sobering time for the firm and one they have learned from – they now invest in our managed IT services which means their IT infrastructure is monitored with ongoing support and managed cyber security to prevent attacks. It also provides real peace of mind knowing that someone else is taking care of their IT systems and software at any given time.
How to protect your IT systems with reliable Hosting Services
Getting a managed IT service provider to do a thorough check-up of your current systems is a really good way of immediately identifying any weak spots. Many companies aren’t aware of just how old their IT infrastructure is. It may be that yours is in pretty good shape but a comprehensive review will give you an idea of when you might need to update it and what you can do in the short term to keep things running at an optimum level.
If your IT check-up raises a few red flags then consider yourself fortunate that issues have been spotted before any failure occurs. Speak to your Hosting Services provider about changes that can be made and updates that can be put in place to keep your business running online long into the future.
If you’re not already using cloud and hosting services, consider making the move sooner rather than later. The cloud infrastructure is a really reliable and flexible way to save and store documents and can be very cost-effective too. If you’re worried about the impact of the migration on your day-to-day work, ask your service provider to talk you through the process – if managed well it can be very straightforward to migrate over with very little upheaval or disruption.
Don’t plan to go out of business
If you’re looking to make some changes to the way your business operates, don’t wait for your IT systems to fail first. Instead, get in touch with our Hosting Services team here at soVision IT and we can talk to you about some proactive changes you can make to your IT infrastructure to enable your business to continue to operate at its best.