We Continue to Support Your Business in a Safe Way Against COVID-19
Our Bristol Managed IT Support Team continues to help you:
As the Coronavirus situation develops, we would like to assure you that we are actively monitoring the situation and have put in place all the necessary steps required to remain open for business as usual and to continue providing you with the support you need in a way that’s safe for you, for our staff and strategic partners.
What is the IT Support team at soVision IT doing?
- We are ready with our robust business continuity strategy – this enables all our IT Support Management staff to work remotely, without affecting the high level of support we provide.
- We are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and our staff are following the advice provided by the UK’s health authorities.
- We are making sure detailed guidance is being issued to all staff on the ways they can minimise the risk to customers, themselves and their colleagues, including:
- Issuing all staff individually alcohol sanitiser gel for use during site visits.
- Giving practical personal advice for stopping the virus spread.
- Providing information on the symptoms and the steps our staff need to take if they think they have COVID-19.
- Other than in exceptional circumstances we have suspended all face to face customer account meetings, replacing them with meetings online or via telephone to help reduce transmission risk.
- Ensuring soVision IT can continue to communicate with our customers effectively.
Please note that where face-to-face meetings or site visits are unavoidable, in order to ensure mutual, safety we may have to ask specific questions to individuals regarding potential exposure. We ask for your full cooperation and assistance where this is needed.
- Ensuring soVision IT can continue to communicate with our customers effectively.
If we are notified of any relevant issue in our business, or if one of our staff members contracts COVID-19 and has contact with your staff or business, we will notify you immediately via email and telephone to your business’ primary contact.
How can our customers help?
To help us keep our Bristol IT Support team fully operational, and also to reduce the risk to your staff, our customers can help us to help them by:
- Ensuring that unneeded site visits are avoided – our team can deal with most issues remotely.
- Enabling any visiting soVision IT staff easy access to any hand washing facilities when they are on your site.
- Ensuring that good hygiene standards are maintained by their staff in accordance with Government recommendations.
- Keeping updated on the latest Government guidance.
Our Managed IT Support staff are currently working incredibly hard to ensure all clients have what they need to maintain their success during this difficult period. Let’s work together to keep ourselves safe and healthy.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kindest regards,
Alex Wellings
Commercial & Operations Director